Probation measures / alternative sanctions |
Explanation |
Obligation for the sentenced person to inform a specific authority of any change of residence or working place |
This can be found only regarding the conditional release. Article 106 of the Penal Sanction Enforcement Act states that in a request for conditional release, the place where the prisoner intends to reside while on conditional release must be stated. A prisoner on conditional release must, after arriving in the place from the second paragraph of this Article, report to the competent administrative unit within eight days. He must notify it of any changes in the place of residence within the same period. |
Obligation not to enter certain localities, places or defined areas in the issuing or executing State |
This can be found in respect of suspended sentence with custodial supervision and conditional release. While applying custodial supervision, the court may also issue one or more instructions, including ban on access to certain places. As regards a conditional release the offender, who shall be released on parole, may also be placed under custodial supervision by the court. The court's instructions may include also a ban on access to certain places. |
Obligation containing limitations on leaving the territory of the executing State |
Slovenian criminal law doesn't provided for such a measure as a type of probation measure. |
Instructions relating to behaviour, residence, education and training, leisure activities, or containing limitations on or modalities of carrying out a professional activity |
The respective instructions can be find while applying custodial supervision either in the framework of suspended sentence or conditional release. |
Obligation to report at specified times to a specific authority |
This is applied only in cases of custodial supervision (in the framework of suspended sentence or conditional release) where the sentenced person or prisoner are obliged to get in touch and report the consultant that was appointed by the court to exercise the custodial supervision. If the offender does not comply with the instructions during the term of suspension, or if he avoids relations with the appointed consultant, the court may either admonish him, modify the instructions, prolong the custodial supervision within the limits of the term of suspension, or revoke the suspended sentence |
Obligation to avoid contact with specific persons |
an obligation to avoid contact with specific objects, which have been used or are likely to be used by the sentenced person with a view to committing a criminal offence - Slovenian criminal law doesn't provided for such a measure as a type of probation measure. |
Obligation to avoid contact with specific objects, which have been used or are likely to be used by the sentenced person with a view to committing a criminal offence |
Slovenian criminal law doesn't provided for such a measure as a type of probation measure. |
Obligation to compensate financially for the prejudice caused by the offence and/or an obligation to provide proof of compliance with such an obligation |
The court may also condition the suspension of the sentence upon the restitution by the offender of property gained through committing of the criminal offence, the indemnification for damages caused by the criminal offence, or the performance of other obligations prescribed under Criminal Law. |
Obligation to carry out community service |
The sentence of imprisonment may also be implemented so that the offender in the period of maximum two years performs community service in the amount of minimum eighty and a maximum of four hundred and eighty hours. The community service shall be imposed in a way as it does not disturb the offender's obligations of his employment relationship. Such a way to execute a sentence of imprisonment shall be decided by the court, which ordered the sentence at the first instance, considering the objective and subjective circumstances of the offender and his consent with this kind of execution of the sentence. The sentence of imprisonment, which was imposed on the offender for the criminal offence against sexual inviolability, cannot be substituted by community service. If the offender does not fulfil the tasks arising from performing community service, the court may order the execution of the sentence of imprisonment. |
Obligation to cooperate with a probation officer or with a representative of a social service having responsibilities in respect of sentenced persons |
Custodial supervision shall be exercised by a consultant appointed by the court. The consultant shall provide assistance to the offender and supervise his compliance with the court's instructions. If the offender does not comply with the instructions during the term of suspension, or if he avoids relations with the appointed consultant, the court may either admonish him, modify the instructions, prolong the custodial supervision within the limits of the term of suspension, or revoke the suspended sentence. The obligation to cooperate is therefore not a specific probation measure indicated in the judgment, however there is a provision in Penal Code-1 giving it similar effect if the person refuse to cooperate in the prescribed way. |
Obligation to undergo therapeutic treatment or treatment for addiction |
This can be found in respect of suspended sentence with custodial supervision and conditional release. While applying custodial supervision, the court may also issue one or more instructions, including an obligation to undergo therapeutic treatment or treatment for addiction. As regards a conditional release the offender, who shall be released on parole, may also be placed under custodial supervision by the court. The court's instructions may include also an obligation to undergo therapeutic treatment or treatment for addiction.
The particular measure can be imposed only with the prior consent of the sentenced person (the consent is needed in both cases where this measure is applicable i.e. for suspended sentence with custodial supervision and conditional release with custodial supervision). |